Transand Inc. provides the means to design, build, and operate custom sand storage and handling facilities to meet any customer requirement, Including, but not limited to, the following variations.

Transand Inc.’s primary service is providing frac sand transloading services in Fort St. John, British Columbia, and Fort Nelson, British Columbia. Both locations are well equipped rail terminals with the ability to unload rail cars, store sand, and load trucks efficiently and reliably.
The primary facility in Fort St. John offers a unit train rail yard with over 250 cars spots, silo storage in excess of 20,000 Tonnes, three independent outload scales, and engineered redundancies to eliminate the chances of an unexpected shutdown.

Sand Storage Tents are a long-term solution to store the maximum amount of sand in remote locations.
These tents are custom-designed to meet specific customer requirements, providing up to 24,000 tonnes of sand storage safe from the elements and efficient in-loading and out-loading via trucks near the well site.

Silo Storage is an effective way to store sand in remote areas when a small footprint is required. Silo storage is modular and easy to adapt to meet customer requirements.
Utilizing seamless Smoothwall silos provides the most effective storage of sand safe from the elements and contaminants. These designs are ideal for in basin/field satellite storage sites, or on-site feeding blender units.